Civil Rights

The mission of the Civil Rights Division of the Arizona Attorney General’s Office is to enforce civil rights laws, increase public awareness of civil rights, provide dispute resolution services, and offer community services throughout the State.

The Division’s major duty is to enforce state statutes that prohibit discrimination in employment, voting, public accommodations, disability and housing by investigating and litigating civil rights complaints. In addition, the Division provides conflict resolution services and mediation programs statewide, including many court and agency programs. 

The Division not only is responsive to complaints it receives, but actively addresses discriminatory activity by providing education awareness. It also conducts surveys and inquiries in efforts to eliminate discrimination and publishes reports to highlight civil rights issues in the State.

The Division has both administrative and enforcement functions. Its staff is comprised of lawyers, compliance officers, program coordinators, support personnel, volunteer mediators and interns.


File a Civil Rights Complaint


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The Arizona Attorney General's Office, in partnership with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, has published a new civil rights pamphlet in English and Spanish available free to Arizonans. The pamphlet provides Arizonans with answers to frequently asked questions regarding their rights and how to file civil rights complaints related to discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and voting.

Read more about the pamphlet here.